Intro to Interaction Design

Instructor: Sam Lavigne
Mondays & Wednesdays 5:30 to 8:30


The official syllabus can be found here.


Wed Jan 19: Introductions / Technical setup / The file system

Mon Jan 24: Reading 1 discussion / Basic HTML tags / URLS & links

Wed Jan 26: Intro to CSS

Mon Jan 31: Project 1 due

Wed Feb 2: Reading 2 discussion / CSS color / Typography / Images

Mon Feb 7: The box model / Positioning

Wed Feb 9: Wireframing / CSS layouts / Responsive design

Mon Feb 14: Work day

Wed Feb 16: Project 2 due

Mon Feb 21: Intro to p5.js

Wed Feb 23: Translation, rotation, scale / Work day

Mon Feb 28: Project 3 due

Wed Mar 2: Reading 2 discussion / Intro to animation / variables

Mon Mar 7: If/else, timing

Wed Mar 9: Mapping, noise, randomness

Mon Mar 21: Work Day

Wed Mar 23: Project 4 Due

Mon Mar 28: Reading 3 discussion / Intro to generative design / functions

Wed Mar 30: Objects part 1

Mon Apr 4: Objects part 2

Wed Apr 6: Loops, arrays

Mon Apr 11: Arrays of Objects

Wed Apr 13: Work Day

Mon Apr 18: Project 5 Due

Wed Apr 20: TBD

Mon Apr 25: TBD

Wed Apr 27: TBD

Mon May 2: Work day

Wed May 4: Final project presentations


  1. The Library of Babel by Jorge Luis Borges
  2. Fuck Off Google by the Invisible Committee
  3. Glitch Studies Manifesto by Rosa Menkman
  4. Black Gooey Universe by American Artist


0: Upload

Create a Hello World HTML page and upload it to the server.

1: HTML Publication

Create a structured HTML document displaying the text from our first reading. Consider the tone and pace of the text as you express it through HTML. Feel free to utilize any HTML element as well as hyperlinks to communicate your idea. Please put your assignment in a folder named "borges" and upload it to your server.

2: HTML/CSS Publication: Manifesto

Create a website (with one or more pages) for a manifesto. You can either use the Glitch Studies Manifesto, or another one if you prefer (for example, Surrealist, Communist, Critical Engineering, Xeno femininist, Dadaist, Situationist). Consider the content, making decisions about layout, structure, pacing, images, color, and typography. Utilize tools within HTML and CSS, such as grid and positioning to develop dynamic layouts. Take advantage of what the web offers that the printed word does not: video, audio, animation, links that take you to completely different spaces, scrolling, etc. Please put your assignment in a folder named "manifesto" and upload it to your server.

3: Algorithmic Drawing

Use the shape and color functions in p5.js to draw a portrait of someone (not me please), or to draw a still life.

4: Animation

Animate your previous assignment, or create a new composition to animate. Your animation should respond to user input, like mouse movement, clicking, key presses and so on.

5: Generative Design

Create a generative work. Each time the sketch is loaded, or when the user clicks the mouse, a new scene should be drawn. Your scene could be a landscape, a character, and abstract pattern, or something else entirely.

6: Final

Iterate on a previous project you've made in the class.



